Editing WAD files can result in a brick of your Wii.Only use these features if you have a bricksafe Wii, meaning either Preloader orBootMii/boot2 is installed, and if you know what you're doing.Also, your Wad files could be destroyed, so be sure to have a backup.
NAND Flash Memory is the built in memory of the Wii console. It houses save data, downloaded channels, and the Wii Menu. Some games may require files only found in a full NAND dump to work correctly. The easiest way to do that is with BootMii. For alternate methods, see the forum thread.
wii nand backup files download
Place the files nand.bin and keys.bin that you've acquired from the last section into the working directory, open cmd.lnk (A shortcut file that will open a command prompt in the current directory), and then type the following commands into the prompt: 2ff7e9595c